2007年12月26日 星期三

everyday life

shortly after the midterm exam, our play members rolled up our sleeves and went the extra mile in an attempt to win!
and finally, we got number 2!
well, I'm not so pleased with this final result.
but I guess the jury have their reason.
but most importantly, we had tried our best!
it was a wonderful experience!
I think as a freshman in university, we got to try something new and enrich our life experience. after all, there are some amounts of stuff we can only complete in certian time period. oversliping that opportunity, we are left with mere regret.
so, I choose to seize every opportunity that I considered significant and meaningful.

as winter vacation standing around the corner, I started to reflecting on what I've done or what I've learned.
1. I'm not a child waiting to be took good care of anymore. I'm becoming more and more full-fledged and learning to be responsible for myself.
2. I think we are not taking good advantage of the library. the english-written textbooks are seldome leafed through. somtimes we may think as long as we study over our own book one time and are ready to take the test. in my opinion, though I haven't tried that, a better scenario should be that we go over a few version of the textbooks before we say we are well prepared or fully understand the course. I just wanna emphasize the spirit of doing research, in which I rarely found here in Taiwan.
3. I won't see my family so often as before. so every time I go home, I cherish our time spending together.
4. I've met a wide range of pepple and I'm so happy to know them.

I sometimes go to the fellowhip of NTPU, and yesterday, Christmas, I accompanied the choir on the piano. Merry Christmas!
Angels we have heard on high, I love this song!

2007年11月21日 星期三


A. Transcribe the complete text
your attention pls
thank you for choosing earth as your planetary vehicle
we hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet
as you hurtle through the cosmos
pls note however
that in the event of continued inaction in the face of globla warming
your seat cushion can be used as a floatation device
also pls take a moment to locate this planet's emergency exits
as u can see
there aren't any
earth to the america
can u hear
sending out a message loud and clear
can you hear?

B. What do you think of this performance
I think it is interesting, fascinating and makes people think seriously.
makes people to really think hard what's going on in the world.
as we live everyday lives, what's on the other side of the world
what r those truths, facts having long been hidden from us
WHAT we haven't been informed of
yeah, it's time to THINK.
recently, "an inconvenient truth" released, people calling on people to come forward to protect the environment, etc.
I think that it's good that people are taking action to protect the earth!
everyone has his way, and so does Blueman!

Part II about global citizenship
A. In what ways do you think you are already a global citizen?
I actullay pay attention to what's happening in the world.
so I read as much international news as possible everyday.
as a human being, I don't feel like existing if I don't know what's going on out there. instinctively, I tend to read and listen to international news. instinctively, I wanna share their pain and suffering. I want them to know that I'm part of human beings, we are all together on the planet. we should love each other and help each other out. I think I am a global citizen coz I put my heart in the world and I truly take action into caring this world.

B. How can you become a better global citizen?
while continuing on gaining knowledge of the world, I also share information with friends and ask them to join in to become a better global citizen.
I just checked the website of the inconvenient truth, and here's some great advices to help improve the condition of the earth:
Use less hot water
It takes a lot of energy to heat water. You can use less hot water by installing a low flow showerhead (350 pounds of carbon dioxide saved per year) and washing your clothes in cold or warm water (500 pounds saved per year) instead of hot.

Unplug electronics from the wall when you’re not using them
Even when turned off, things like hairdryers, cell phone chargers and televisions use energy. In fact, the energy used to keep display clocks lit and memory chips working accounts for 5 percent of total domestic energy consumption and spews 18 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere every year!

for more, you can check http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/whatyoucando/
there are 6 pages and I beliebe you'll find these practical!


I'm part of the play representing the department of Economics.
there r 3 comedians in the play, me with another two friends.
ha, at the beginning, I wasn't sure whether to take part in the play or the folk dance. it's quite difficult to decide between.
one day, one of my roommates, Lin, asked if I was able to attend their conference, whoever's interested is welcome. so, I said YES!
as days go by, the competition is around the corner.
so! we've got to dig in!
hang in there!

2007年11月15日 星期四

Time to say Goodbye

Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman


recently, I've found library a good place to be
I'm pretty into reading
so, having so many books lined up in front of me
I felt the gratification rising from the inside
Firstly I found that I don't need to subscribe to any of the magazines that have well been merchandised to me, such as TIME, charges 35 dollars each week as a student privilege price. ha, but I will no longer be drawned to these fantastic favor. instead, I can go through every English magazine placed there. one after one, no money charged, and I gain immense satisfaction!
then, as a student majoring in Economics, there's so many english-written books to choose from! Also, I can finds books featuring in Banking, Finance Modeling, Calculus, etc. I'm determined that I make good use of them.
I found that many successful people often recall having spent so much time researching, reading, studying, pondering and reflecting in their youth.
so! I decided to do so anyway!

2007年11月13日 星期二

2007年11月8日 星期四

free hugs

Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger... (excerpted from youtube)
we all need hugs.
we feel warmth, love through people's hugs.
we feel that we are cared for insteand of a nobody existing randomly on the earth, happening to stay where we are.
as far as I'm concerned, every one serves a purpose in this life
we ought to live meaningfully. lead a purpose-driven life( do u know the book titled purpose-driven life by Rick Warren, a influential christian leader in US)
but sometimes we fail to accomplish this idea. and start to sink into restlessness.
or sometimes, every single thing just goes wrong.
families passing away, couples breaking up, contestants' ambition to win failing within an ace of being fulfilled,etc.
and! it's exactly when we need a genuine hug, which represented we are not alone to fight the adversity.
wanna know more, check http://www.freehugscampaign.org/

2007年11月1日 星期四

王雨香 HW3 U1587 choco

well, after taking a close look at CEF, I suppose my English ability lies in between B1 and B2.

2. speak fluently with native English speakers
able to convey my ideas to others in english directly, clearly, with no possibilities of somebody's getting me wrong.
not only capable of reading economics textbooks fast but also, writing flowing sentences and expressing crystal clear points of view in this field.

3. every day, I spend 30 mins to 2 hr reading English articles and magazines.
also, I'm planning to read vast book reviews posted on amazon.com.
Due mainly to my interest in books( nonfiction mostly), I find this a great way to learn English. incidentally, the stars evaluated by other readers actually decides me whether to buy the books indirectly.
I'm planning to study abroad through the help of EF on this winter vacation.
I'll pay more attention to what professor has to say!
4. I just have to stick to this enhancement plan. not giving up, I think making big progress in English isn't too big a deal.

2007年10月18日 星期四


I think that people are taking 'learning English' too big a deal.
for me, English is a tool through which I can learn more from the world.

I'm abt to subscribe TIME. last year I chose newsweek as advanced learning material.
this year, I choose TIME. no special reason.
yeah, we'll see which better meets up my needs.

determined to carve a satisfactory future, I will do as much as I can to improve my English.
it definitely provides me with abundant opportunities as life goes on.

Also, I'll continue on listening to cbn news, watching Joel Osteen video podcasts, and other podcasts or videos I'm interested in.

these are how I cope with English.

2007年10月16日 星期二


my english name is Keira.
I took this name from big star Keira Knightly.
I favour her English accent!
She starred in "Pride and Prejudice," which is fantastic!
the background music eased me and I started feeling the peace arising on the inside.
Also, I took "Emmanuel" from the Bible.
The origin of the name dates back to the old Testament, which means "God with us."
actually, it is a popular name among male Christians.
But, it is no big deal as my German teacher told that some of his friends are called Emmanuella.
an extra la can change a lot

I've been to Chicago, Finland, Russia, England and Germany.
My goal is to know more abt the world since I'm part of the global village!

from 12 to 17, I majored in the cello in the music class. I also play the piano.
when I was abt to take the entrance exam,
I asked myself, is it what I truly want to do the rest of my life?
is it what my passion for?
the answer is no.
I realized that I actullay have choices whether to continue majoring in music.
am I prepared to make a difference in my life?
Im tired of not being able to strive for myself.
and here I am, at the department of Economics.
wandered, wondered, uncertain, but determined to live a life of meaning.